Sunday, November 21, 2010

Ticket and Svelte

Recently I meet a lovely lady called Frances who's the wife of Paul Woolright the bass player from New Zealand 70s Band 'Ticket'.
They recently reformed after 37 years and played two shows in New Zealand.
One show was down in Christchurch and the other was in Auckland at 'The Kings Arms' on the 13th of November.

Frances got me very excited about seeing 'Ticket' play live and her love for their music is absolutely infectious. My mother also encouraged me to attend as she used to go see them play live years ago and recalled their long hair.

Poster of 'Ticket' at show ©JacindaBoydPhotography

Added to this was my friend Jamie's band 'Svelte' was on support and I was keen to check them out as well. As usual if I am at a concert nowdays I can't help but pick up my camera.

                                            SVELTE IMAGES

Monday, October 11, 2010


Okay I've photographed a few bands in my time but the singer Dan Gibson from this band 'Kingston' really was a good showman for the camera.

The Jury & The Saints

I went along to the opening of a new venue in Auckland called 'Backstage'.
I actually went with Phil Bell VIP pass which was pretty cool. Hope they weren't disappointed it wasn't him.
Bit of a promotion for me though as he's the Editor of RipitUp Magazine haha
It was an industry gig as The Jury & The Saints describe it in a comment under one of my images they posted on their Facebook.
For me that mean't free beer and food in between shots which was a nice change. Shame they didn't have more fans of the bands there though. As it would have been great to have captured them as well.
Here is what I photographed of band The Jury & The Saints. I actually really like the first photograph the most. It would make a nice back cover image for a CD cover.

Below is two of my favourite songs from the band.

Bannerman 25th September Whammy Bar

Disturbed but so beautiful. I love this song posted below. "Grab my gun shoot away but I'll probably miss you."

Monday, September 20, 2010

Photographer for FREE Promotion :D Sweet as

My new website is up and to celebrate the launch here's your chance to get me as your PHOTOGRAPHER FOR FREE.
I could photograph your band, your lovely little baby, your grandma's 80th birthday, your cute family pet or even a new spunky profile picture of yourself for your Facebook page.
It's up too you. Cool aye :D
Just vist my new website and send me an email from the contact me page.
On 1st October 2010 I'll draw a random winner from my inbox.
So get clicking
(Terms and Conditions for promotion = Copyright remains with the photographer. Can't be used for your Wedding Day. If you want me to travel outside of Auckland your need to pay my travel and accommodation expenses. Will travel around Auckland at no charge though. No X-rated images sorry. If dates clash with the photographer they can postpone the shoot. If a date can’t be mutually agreed upon the photographer can cancel the shoot. Duration of photo shoot must be no longer than 5 hours. No more than 200 images will be taken. Entries must be received in my inbox by Midnight September 30th 2010. I will draw a winner on the 1st of October 2010)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Kings Of Leon Dance Off 2010

I've seen this video far too many times now. Still makes me laugh every time.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Kings of Leon - Radioactive

New song from Kings Of Leon new album 'Come around Sundown' already on You Tube.
Not sure how this user managed to get this video. Sign of the Times.
Well anyhow I like it. I like how the mid point of the song pulls back.

Below is an interview I found on You Tube at The V Festival 2010. Nice that the TV presenter not asking naff questions and it's just like listening to a conversation. I thought it was amusing, interesting and well worth a watch. Plus I never know Caleb could see that well haha

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Don McGlashan

In the weekend I went to a 30th party where Don McGlashan played. Such a lovely night. At the party he played his song 'Anchor Me' and it sounded amazing. A guy at the party mentioned to me that he felt Anchor me is a real New Zealand song in the way it relates to our location and distance from the rest of the world. So true.
Not only this but this song was also used by Greenpeace as New Zealand was the first Western-allied nation to be declared Nuclear Free.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Doom Pop is what the band call it. I like it

This music video was shot by Garth Badger and Daniel Max using the Canon 5dmk2. This is the same camera gear that was used on the short film 'Breakdown' which I worked on last week.

Holy Moly - Motocade

The Hunter Collective show 'One'

Well the exhibition is all over and my images are now home all wrapped up.
So what's next for these images? Hhmmm If anyone has any ideas let me know.
I'd ideally like to keep them up for viewing in a public space.
Cafe, gallery space, library, workplace. Anywhere cool really where people would appreciate them. email me on if you know of such a place.

©Jacinda Boyd Photography

©Jacinda Boyd Photography

©Jacinda Boyd Photography

My music images now on the Rip it Up website = Radness

Rip it Up have just posted my Luger Boa and I AM Giant images on their website. You can view this on
Very exciting for me. So jump on the link above and see the whole set.
Nice to have respect from such a great magazine in New Zealand History.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Behind The Scenes - Professor Green

I am really liking Professor Green's music. It's so different and just really funny.
This video is a behind the scenes look at the making of Professor Green's video 'I need you tonight.'

Currently I am working on a short film as a lighting assistant.
The film is being shot on two Canon Mark 11 DSLR HD cameras.
This has been really interesting work and I am learning loads.
I am really excited about the possibilities ahead for working in this medium.

Professor Green feat. Lily Allen - Just Be Good To Green (HD)

Professor Green - I Need You Tonight feat. Ed Drewett : Out Now!!

The Hunter Collective Images

The opening night for the show 'One' attracted over 200 people and is just about to finish. The last day will be Saturday 14th of August.
It's open 9am - 5.30pm weekdays and 10am  - 2pm on Saturday.
At The Digital Darkroom, 273 Dominion Road, Mt Eden.
So if you can make it before it ends then your be able to see my images of Brenda the Toyota supra obsessed lady from Glen Eden and her cat Star.
Here is a preview image from the show of Brenda's cat Star out protecting his patch.

©Jacinda Boyd Photography 2010

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Hunter Collective show 'One'

I am part of a creative group called The Hunter Collective and we're having our first exhibition together this week. The opening will be on July 28th at 6.30pm at The Digital Darkroom in Mt Eden. 

My images chosen are taken of a lady from Glen Eden called Brenda and her cat called Star. The work captures Brenda's love of fixing up Toyota Supra cars and her cat Star out protecting his turf. 

The invite for the opening event information below.

You are invited to an exhibition by a dynamic group of contemporary visual artists: The Hunter Collective. 

We have backgrounds in photography, graphic design, painting, illustration, craft and advertising. 

For 'One', our first show as a collective, we have each followed a hunch, a little voice, or a calling of sorts, to produce work that is meaningful and potent, playful and surprising.

We would love if you would share with us this celebration of self expression in The Digital Darkroom's warm and friendly atmosphere: 273 Dominion Rd, Mt Eden.

The opening event is on Wednesday, July 28th from 6:30 pm. Come along for the preview and first option to purchase. Finger food and drink provided.
The show runs for 3 weeks during normal retail hours.

From The Hunter Collective:

Jacinda Boyd
Tina Chow
Sarah Cooper 
Pippa Drummond 
Chantal Favier
Larnie Nicolson 
Rebecca Prideaux 
Matthew Straker 
Helen Williamson

If you would like to attend the opening please email me on

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Central Auckland Signs

This week I've been driving into central Auckland heaps more than usual.
While out driving I've noticed a few signs and thought I'd share them with you.

© Jacinda Boyd Photography

© Jacinda Boyd Photography

© Jacinda Boyd Photography

Monday, May 17, 2010

I want to work for Special Problems.

Another video comes out made by Special Problems that i love and want to jump inside with my camera.
This video is for a song by The Naked and Famous called Young Blood.

Visually I just love it. The video has a very light playful feel to it which just fits snugly with the song.
The shots of the guy in the ocean are AMAZING.
Stunning use of lighting throughout makes me want to grab a still image.
Looks like they have used mostly daylight and not elaborate lighting set-ups.
This is what i like doing with my own photography.
Keeping it simple and sticking to daylight as much as possible for my light source.

I want to work for Special Problems. I love music and imagery. Please hire me :D

Trapped in my house by good music

I am heads down working on my new website at the moment. Like always I've been easily side-tracked by some really good music and imagery. The kind of stuff that makes you not want to leave the house until you've heard the whole song again. (Yes i do get musically trapped in my house. You tube music video disorder is the diagnosis.)

So here is some songs that are keeping me company and inspiring me.

Hot Chip - One Life Stand
This song is so super sweet and all about love. Plus it's like they are inside a camera lens
I think the viewer post comment sums this band up well. "Keep it up nerdies."

The Naked and Famous - All of This
How good is this band right now. They keep getting stronger by the day.

Autozamm - Closer to Home

This is a band I've only recently picked up on and now love. They have been around for awhile but for some reason my ears haven't clicked onto this band i recently heard their song 'Want it Need it'. Can't wait to get some photo's of them playing in the near future.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Jon and Gemma's Wedding

My lovely Step Brother Jon Bridges got married recently to the very beautiful Gemma at Hahei Beach in the Coromandel.
I said I'd take a few photo's at the reception for their wedding present.
He asked me if I could photograph each guest or couple to go with what they wrote in the Wedding book. I thought okay but lets make it exciting and get them to do something abit different.
So this is what i came up with.

For those of you who want to see photo's of the Bride and Groom Jon and Gemma Bridges. Here it is :D