This is an event where lovers of all things Vintage get together for the day and enjoy live performances, have high teas, do lots of shopping and meet new friends.
Ladies arrive wearing Vintage clothes at Vintage Big Day Out. Location is Alexander Park, Greenlane, Auckland. Photographed for Stuff, Photography by Jacinda Boyd
Ria Aps at Vintage Big Day Out, Alexander Park, Greenlane, Auckland,
Photographed by Jacinda Boyd
Leigh Jen Derrieve checks out clothes at Vintage Big Day Out, Alexander Park, Greenlane, Auckland, Photographed by Jacinda Boyd
Colin Jansen from Commenorative Air Force NZ poses with the Pineapple Productions Dance Company Girls at Vintage Big Day Out, Alexander Park Greenlane, Auckland,
Photographed by Jacinda Boyd
Beth De Berry poses with a vintage car at Vintage Big Day Out. Location is Alexander Park, Greenlane, Auckland. Photographed for Stuff,
Photography by Jacinda Boyd